The Virtue of Justice:
Harmonies of the Fair and the Good
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By: The Good & True Team
Justice is allowing others what they truly deserve. Deserving to be treated in a certain way is indicative of one’s right to that treatment. And individual rights call for fairness. The inclination to be fair is, like faith, written in the human heart. When we see someone being mistreated, in great frustration we exclaim, “But that’s just NOT FAIR!” We know unfairness when we see it. Therefore, if we are treated in a discriminatory fashion, it is unjust. It is a sign of disrespect, not only for the person being harmed, but for everyone. If we decide to lie to someone who has a right to know the truth, we are not only liars, but unjust men or women.
But how do we know what is just or unjust? Of course, our laws help us, as they have been tested and legislated in the court of public opinion and in the structures of our democracy. On a deeper level, however, justice is a result of an informed conscience making decisions. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity.” One of the best ways to begin to teach the concept of the virtue of justice is to ask our children about things they deem fair or unfair. We may be surprised to see just how far their sense of justice has already been developed!
Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity.
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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A set of scales is our great symbol of justice. Balance, however, can sometimes be a false indicator of what is just. Is it just to kill, if necessary, to defend our families against harm? Of course! Is it just to kill a child who is experiencing radical and life-altering difficulties due to an accident or a congenital disease? No! In such cases our sense of justice calls more for harmony than balance. Balance is black and white. Harmony can be Chopsticks and a Chopin etude, a palette of color. The just thing to do may not always be obvious. We teach our children to examine what they know and what we have taught them to be right and wrong, good and bad.
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And as we develop a sense of fairness, helped along by the influence of our own parents, our duly voted upon laws, and a growing knowledge of what is written in our very own hearts, that inner knowledge that forms a conscience; we can more easily follow the dictates of justice and keep the hideousness of injustice at bay.
Written by The Good & True Staff
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