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Author Spotlight:

Brooke Raybould

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By: The Good & True Team

Welcome to another installment of our Author Spotlight series! This time, we are so happy to introduce you to Brooke Raybould, another amazing author we have had the pleasure to work with here at Good & True Media! You may already know Brooke from her Instagram page @thesouthernishmama where she shares her beautiful journey as a wife to her husband Ryan and a mother of 4 boys: Rhett, Vance, Beauden, and their newest addition, Quade.

Before her motherhood journey began, Brooke was born and raised in Orange County, California. She attended the University of Southern California, and went on to receive her Masters in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Brooke now lives in the DC area, where her husband works for the United States Congress and she stays at home with their children and runs The Southernish Mama platform! About her role as an influencer, Brooke says, “On this platform, I talk about our family and seek to encourage moms in the motherhood journey! On my platform, I love writing, which is also why writing a children's book has been such a joy!” To add onto that, here’s a fun fact about Brooke: when she took the GMAT entrance exam for business school, she got a PERFECT score in the writing portion! Needless to say, Brooke has a natural knack for writing, and has carried that passion over into her social media career, and now her position as a children’s author with Good & True!

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Brooke’s first book, The American Dream of Braven Young, is coming in January of 2022. The American Dream of Braven Young tells the story of a boy named Braven Young who begins to question what his dad, a U.S. Senator, does all day long. Braven asserts that if he were “free to do whatever he wanted”, like his dad, he would make different decisions. This leads Braven on an adventure to understand and define the meaning of “freedom.” Braven falls into a dream that lands him in Washington, DC. He, along with all children, are granted their wish: freedom to do anything they please! Along this journey, Braven discovers that freedom is much more than what he thought it was. Freedom is not about doing whatever you want; it is a responsibility to do what is right.

"I hope that children and families will feel a sense of unity around American values and principles when they read my book! I hope that kids can come to the self-realization about the true and honorable meaning of 'freedom' through American history, and apply it to their everyday lives, and that parents will be inspired to teach their kids about more American values and principles that lead to an honorable life!"

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We got the opportunity to speak with Brooke about the writing process and inspiration behind The American Dream of Braven Young. About the writing process, this is what she has to say: “I have thoroughly enjoyed the process! Quite honestly, I thought it would add more to my plate to manage writing a book, but turns out, it was the work I most looked forward to (outside of caring for my family). Getting the right publisher is key! Make sure the publisher's vision and values align with yours, first and foremost. Also, having a publisher that is organized and connected to illustrators and public relations and all that goes into a book is very important to its success!”

About the inspiration behind The American Dream of Braven Young, Brooke shares: “During the peak of the presidential election, I wanted to expose my boys to positive American values and principles through a unifying story. I wanted them to understand more about our country and its history, while also realizing just how far we've come. At the public library and at local bookstores I could only find non-fiction stories. And even then, there seemed to be a shortage of relevant, fun, patriotic stories for kids. This really inspired me to want to write a fiction story for kids about American values and how they can apply the lessons we have learned throughout our history - as a country - to their everyday lives! I hope that children and families will feel a sense of unity around American values and principles when they read my book! I hope that kids can come to the self-realization about the true and honorable meaning of "freedom" through American history, and apply it to their everyday lives and that parents will be inspired to teach their kids about more American values and principles that lead to an honorable life!”

We are so honored to be working with Brooke as her publisher throughout her incredible journey of writing and releasing her first book! We know that children will love The American Dream of Braven Young, and parents will love the lessons it teaches their children. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @goodandtruemedia and Brooke @thesouthernishmama to get updates on everything involving Brooke’s book… Including a pre-order date to be announced soon!

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Written by The Good & True Staff


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